
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sewing Tattoos

People are funny… I make my dollars cutting and putting away fabric all day. Everyday you have the old ladies that pull at the side of the fabric so they get more than the meter they asked for thinking that I won’t notice what they’re doing. I don’t know if I should be sad or amused by it. I had another elderly lady explain loudly to her daughter that she did not want me to serve her because I looked like I wouldn’t know how to cut anything because I have tattoos. Tattoos are not for young ladies and my mother must not of loved me blah blah blah... Her daughter was clearly embarrassed and kept saying “she can hear you mum she’s standing right there.” I cut at least 12 different fabrics for her while she continued to rant and for some reason it didn’t bother me at all. So I'll leave you with some sewing tattoos.

I'm unsure who has done these but they belong to this talented quilter!

This one was recently done by my baby on a seamstress.

Flash at beginning of post by Silje Hagland.

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